Thursday, 22 November 2012

Did the Metis have a right to complain about the sale of Rupert’s Land?

I think the Metis had a right to complain over selling Rupert's Land. Most of population in Rupert’s Land was the Metis. They farmed and contributed a lot to the economy, by the Métis bison hunt. The hunt was to provide both pemmican and hides, and many Métis worked as labourers on York boats or HBC clerks. Most of the land’s crops failed, which need people that can handle real hardship. Most of Metis women were trained with surviving technics such as making food, cleaning, and making clothes. The Metis were well trained and was able to handle the land and have a society that they can live in. It should not belong to Britain or HBC since they were not using the land exactly has a place to live and use the land to physically change it with the economy. The land was used to trade, which was basically it for the HBC and Britain owned the land but live all away on the other side of the world. This is like saying I steal this land living society from you t and I kick you off it. I then sale it to make a lot of money and I would not give money to you since your not the one that paid money for it. 

If I were the Metis I would team up with other's since I know they do not want the land to be soled so I would with them go to the HBC and talk to them and tell them 100's of reason's why not to sell the land. They could not sale the land and I would get mad and put my foot down since I did lot's of things to Rupert's Land and made a good society. I would not be able to lose that just for the HBC and Britain to make 6 million dollars even if I liked the land and enjoyed being there. I cannot just get kicked out for no reason and I would not know where to go if each person got some of the profit that would be fine but like 1000's of people can get lot's of the profit. Britain own's the land and they do not have any respect for the Metis and would like to kick them out including me just so they can make a huge profit for themselves, therefore the Metis are going to get very mad. 


1 comment:

  1. Good clear argument. The biggest issue is that Britain's claim to the land was never recognized and the Metis were never "belonged" to the British Empire and to them, a piece of paper that claimed the land meant nothing.
