Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Canada's Treatment of the Metis After The Creation of Manitoba
The Metis had problems with the bison and the land. The land all the Metis needed a scrip they could trade it in for money. The scrip was worth $160 but people's children got $240 and the Metis either they buy there land with money or the scrip they do not choose where they get to live that was the whole problem with the land. The Metis economy was based on hunting bison and hauling freight for the HBC. The amount of bison were declining after Manitoba was created so many Metis in order to make money and trade things they had to follow other's and go North West so they can go to an area where more bison lives. In the winter of 1874 it was really difficult for the Metis since the lost of bison. Clarke a magistrate used his increased authority on the HBC so they would have a bigger benefit. Therefore this made any Metis would be imprisoned if any Metis objected to low pay. Metis in the Spring got caught for hunting when the hunting for bison season did not began so the hunt captain Gabriel Dumont arrested and fined the Metis that was doing an illegal hunt, because the Metis wanted to get pemmican for money. The bison disappeared, because many American's slaughtered them, because they wanted the America West to be more available to the European Settlers there for make the First Nations a reservation. "Let them kill, skin and sell until the buffalo are exterminated. Then your prairies can be covered with speckled cattle and the festive cowboy.""The disappearance of the buffalo has left them not only without food, but also without robes, moccasins, and adequate [shelter]..." The Metis and First Nations struggled to maintain their ways of life after having the whole food and trade system wiped out.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Did the Metis have a right to complain about the sale of Rupert’s Land?
I think the Metis had a right to complain over selling Rupert's Land. Most of population in Rupert’s Land was the
Metis. They farmed and contributed a lot to the economy, by the Métis bison hunt. The hunt was to provide both
pemmican and hides, and many Métis worked as labourers on York boats or HBC
clerks. Most of the land’s crops failed, which need people that can handle real
hardship. Most of Metis women were trained with surviving technics such as
making food, cleaning, and making clothes. The Metis were well trained and was
able to handle the land and have a society that they can live in. It should not belong to Britain or HBC since they were not using the land exactly has a place to live and use the land to physically change it with the economy. The land was used to trade, which was basically it for the HBC and Britain owned the land but live all away on the other side of the world. This is like saying I steal this land living society from you t and I kick you off it. I then sale it to make a lot of money and I would not give money to you since your not the one that paid money for it.
If I were the Metis I would team up with other's since I know they do not want the land to be soled so I would with them go to the HBC and talk to them and tell them 100's of reason's why not to sell the land. They could not sale the land and I would get mad and put my foot down since I did lot's of things to Rupert's Land and made a good society. I would not be able to lose that just for the HBC and Britain to make 6 million dollars even if I liked the land and enjoyed being there. I cannot just get kicked out for no reason and I would not know where to go if each person got some of the profit that would be fine but like 1000's of people can get lot's of the profit. Britain own's the land and they do not have any respect for the Metis and would like to kick them out including me just so they can make a huge profit for themselves, therefore the Metis are going to get very mad.
If I were the Metis I would team up with other's since I know they do not want the land to be soled so I would with them go to the HBC and talk to them and tell them 100's of reason's why not to sell the land. They could not sale the land and I would get mad and put my foot down since I did lot's of things to Rupert's Land and made a good society. I would not be able to lose that just for the HBC and Britain to make 6 million dollars even if I liked the land and enjoyed being there. I cannot just get kicked out for no reason and I would not know where to go if each person got some of the profit that would be fine but like 1000's of people can get lot's of the profit. Britain own's the land and they do not have any respect for the Metis and would like to kick them out including me just so they can make a huge profit for themselves, therefore the Metis are going to get very mad.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
The Metis
The Metis were people that were living by the French Culture. They speak the language of Michif, which is a language that consist's of French nouns and Cree verbs. There was lots of Metis and over time the Metis could of been anyone as long as they were a First Nation or a European that adopted to the French Culture and speak the language of the Metis. The Metis were important to the French and most of the First Nations woman married the French Canadian Traders that were mostly the Metis. The Metis hunted a lot, on the buffalo hunt and the hunt for the hunters were dangerous but it was a major resource for them. The resource was pemmican since the buffalo produced meat and the buffalo was brought back to the people buy women and children on a horse attached by Red River Carts. The Metis was important, because they hunted the buffalo and made pemmican that they traded to make profit and planted crops and farmed so they could live and have food for all the Metis and the French including the First Nations women.
The Metis still use the Red River Carts along the streets to transport things.
The Metis are mixed racists and religions, because they were born into different Nations.
The Metis transported buffalo meat to make into pemmican using horses and Red River Carts.
The Metis still use the Red River Carts along the streets to transport things.
The Metis are mixed racists and religions, because they were born into different Nations.
The Metis transported buffalo meat to make into pemmican using horses and Red River Carts.
Monday, 19 November 2012
What Role Did the Aboriginals Play in the Fur Trade
The Aboriginal People were very important in the fur trade since they were the people that traded fur to others for things that they would need such as resources and food. Many people in different areas around Canada did not have the same things that other places had such as fur. They were the ones that had all the fur and needed to get rid of it so they can make profit such as resources or something valuable. The Aboriginal people had one problem though, they needed major help from the European's such as their technology and support. The European's had to stick with them and was forced to adapt to the Aboriginal culture and had to bargain with them. The Aboriginals had a big trading company, which the European's needed to and since the Europeans had to help them they should just be forced to learn there culture and ways. They had to be at a good area that they could trade with people easy and since they had most of the furs, which lots of people needed they made a big profit overtime with the Europeans help with their technologies and plans.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
BC Regarding Confederation Report
The Situation was a cartoon with the right reasons for confederation. It showed two hotels one that was Canada's hotel with a nice caring person and the US Hotel with a mean and ready man to take someone and steal their things. A woman that is from Manitoba has to make a choice and the Canada Hotel is the way better choice since the women is greeting her.
Too Old to be Caught with Chaff was a cartoon that had good reasons for confederation, because it showed two men with a trap and a another man looking at over in his country. This showed the Americans wanted to take over Canada and if Canada all worked together that would not happen.
New Brunswick: People feelings towards confederation were mixed. Fights through the streets broke out after the anti-conferderation neighborhood. From this 7 party members had to go home and get bandaged. In Fredericton there were festivals with a marksmanship competition. Who ever was against confederation kept their stores closed and their flags lowered.
Ontario: Canada West voted for the 72 resolutions from the Quebec Conference. Canada West also voted for most of the Quebec Conference proposals. A kind of rep by pop happened by establishing provincial governments for the part of the administrative powers and by redistributing elected members in the House of Commons within Ottawa. The local costs were controlled by creating provincial legislatures and the main powers had to have a strong federal authority. Some people thought that the subject to vote should be by the people in Canada East and some in New Brunswick.
Nova Scotia: The feelings influenced that fall's federal and provincial elections. They feared that the federal members would not attend the first sitting of the new nation's Parliament. William the provinces premier pushed for the removal of confederation, since that failed he still continued to fight against confederation and was integrated into a new government.
Quebec: The process of confederation did not consider Aboriginal people even though it was affected by decisions made from the 3 conferences. The Aboriginal people were not consulted the possibility of an association with them was not raised. They did not agree with the resolutions of Quebec's Conference and strongly disagreed with the centralizing nature. Canada East did not agree in a legislative union based on the representation of their population.
Ontario: "No one can doubt what the views of Upper Canada are in regard to an appeal to the people before Confederation is finally carried into effect. Taking the press as an indication of public opinion, we must conclude that the feeling is almost unanimous in favor of allowing the people an opportunity to express an opinion upon the constitution under which they are to live."
This explains that people should have a choice to vote for what they would like the society and country to be and if it would be safe or not.
New Brunswick: "several members of the party were obliged to go home to have their heads bandaged."
This explains that people would like to have a vote or if they do want to have a choice of what it would be like where they live then they should just fight since they are not going to like it where they are anyway.
Quebec: "The government shall study the timeliness of a federal union of British North American provinces, and will contact the imperial government and Maritime provinces in this regard. The result of these communications will be presented to Parliament next session."
This explains that all the French should look at the advantages and look at everything that is going to happen instead of backing down what the other provinces is saying about confederation or not.
Nova Scotia: "Better terms."
This explains that Nova Scotia did not want Nova Scotia connected to Canada and they brought up more terms and better reasons why they have to stay apart.
British Columbia should join confederation, because they would be able to help the other provinces and will be able to help them out with any land, food, voting, or military problems. If they do they could combine the provinces together and let everyone have more land to do things on since they would be sharing. They have good land and population.
The Situation was a cartoon with the right reasons for confederation. It showed two hotels one that was Canada's hotel with a nice caring person and the US Hotel with a mean and ready man to take someone and steal their things. A woman that is from Manitoba has to make a choice and the Canada Hotel is the way better choice since the women is greeting her.
Too Old to be Caught with Chaff was a cartoon that had good reasons for confederation, because it showed two men with a trap and a another man looking at over in his country. This showed the Americans wanted to take over Canada and if Canada all worked together that would not happen.
New Brunswick: People feelings towards confederation were mixed. Fights through the streets broke out after the anti-conferderation neighborhood. From this 7 party members had to go home and get bandaged. In Fredericton there were festivals with a marksmanship competition. Who ever was against confederation kept their stores closed and their flags lowered.
Ontario: Canada West voted for the 72 resolutions from the Quebec Conference. Canada West also voted for most of the Quebec Conference proposals. A kind of rep by pop happened by establishing provincial governments for the part of the administrative powers and by redistributing elected members in the House of Commons within Ottawa. The local costs were controlled by creating provincial legislatures and the main powers had to have a strong federal authority. Some people thought that the subject to vote should be by the people in Canada East and some in New Brunswick.
Nova Scotia: The feelings influenced that fall's federal and provincial elections. They feared that the federal members would not attend the first sitting of the new nation's Parliament. William the provinces premier pushed for the removal of confederation, since that failed he still continued to fight against confederation and was integrated into a new government.
Quebec: The process of confederation did not consider Aboriginal people even though it was affected by decisions made from the 3 conferences. The Aboriginal people were not consulted the possibility of an association with them was not raised. They did not agree with the resolutions of Quebec's Conference and strongly disagreed with the centralizing nature. Canada East did not agree in a legislative union based on the representation of their population.
Ontario: "No one can doubt what the views of Upper Canada are in regard to an appeal to the people before Confederation is finally carried into effect. Taking the press as an indication of public opinion, we must conclude that the feeling is almost unanimous in favor of allowing the people an opportunity to express an opinion upon the constitution under which they are to live."
This explains that people should have a choice to vote for what they would like the society and country to be and if it would be safe or not.
New Brunswick: "several members of the party were obliged to go home to have their heads bandaged."
This explains that people would like to have a vote or if they do want to have a choice of what it would be like where they live then they should just fight since they are not going to like it where they are anyway.
Quebec: "The government shall study the timeliness of a federal union of British North American provinces, and will contact the imperial government and Maritime provinces in this regard. The result of these communications will be presented to Parliament next session."
This explains that all the French should look at the advantages and look at everything that is going to happen instead of backing down what the other provinces is saying about confederation or not.
Nova Scotia: "Better terms."
This explains that Nova Scotia did not want Nova Scotia connected to Canada and they brought up more terms and better reasons why they have to stay apart.
British Columbia should join confederation, because they would be able to help the other provinces and will be able to help them out with any land, food, voting, or military problems. If they do they could combine the provinces together and let everyone have more land to do things on since they would be sharing. They have good land and population.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Report On The Conferences in 1860's
Charlottetown Conference:
The conference was held on Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown for discussing Confederation of British and North America. The conference took place in September 1864. In Charlottetown when the Conference took place their was a circus, which was more interesting to the majority of population than the Conference. It took place at the legislative building and on September 4th representatives from the Province of Canada dominated the whole conference shadowing the concerns of the Maritimes and laying out the foundations for the union that gave them the most benefits. They outlined the Canadian position, but the Maritimes finally discussed their own plans on September 6th. The Maritimes were convinced that a wider union including Canada would be good for them, but PEI did not agree. They were really against confederation. The conference ended on the 7th and a ball was going to be held on the 8th as the Quebec Conference. It was believed that this union could be achieved within a few years, rather than in an undefined period in the future as they had originally planned. The Conference did not achieve that much they can not come together with ideas that would satisfy all the provinces.

1. "Charlottetown Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
Quebec Conference:
On October 10th 1864 the Quebec Conference was held at in Quebec City. The delegates were the representatives in the conference to discuss and create a document that could be presented to Parliament in London, for their approval. The document would be the working paper that would be used to write legislation to form the new nation of Canada. The Conference was about who favoured into a strong central government and a federal government. They argued for provincial rights and fered with a central government since they would lost their cultural identity.
The debate revolved around the nature of the legislative government. A representative named Macdonald thought issues might arise with a federated government united by a weak central government. Many people rejected things since it contained non-protection against French Canadian culture or the regulation of lands by Foreign landowners. The representatives concluded that a Federal system with a centralized federal government and a provincial governments of each colony that would stand the best chance of gaining the majority support of the delegates. On October 27th the confernece ended and the delegates summited the 72 resolutions to the provincial legislatures. The conference went good and they achieved something including what system the government should have and therefor they brought out the 72 resolutions of what the government should do and not do to make a responsible government and consider confederation.
1. "Quebec." Canada History. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
2. "Quebec Conference, 1864 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <,_1864>.
London Conference
In November 1866 the representatives agreed to join confederation. The only thing they had to do was to pass the bill in the British parliament over British North America. In London there was strong lobbying by bishops from the Maritimes to get guarantees for the Roman Catholic schools that are private. The British government had lots of concerns about the situation in North America and it was a stepping stone that can form Canada. It was guaranteed the separate school systems was to be in Quebec and Ontario, but not in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick. The Conference settled the issues of the British North American Act through the British Parliament with only a few changes including one. They had to change the name of the new country the Kingdom of Canada to the Dominion of Canada.
The London Conference was a success and had all the right meanings to join Confederation, which they did so
1. "London Conference - The Canadian Encyclopedia." The Canadian Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
2. "London." Canada History. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
The conference was held on Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown for discussing Confederation of British and North America. The conference took place in September 1864. In Charlottetown when the Conference took place their was a circus, which was more interesting to the majority of population than the Conference. It took place at the legislative building and on September 4th representatives from the Province of Canada dominated the whole conference shadowing the concerns of the Maritimes and laying out the foundations for the union that gave them the most benefits. They outlined the Canadian position, but the Maritimes finally discussed their own plans on September 6th. The Maritimes were convinced that a wider union including Canada would be good for them, but PEI did not agree. They were really against confederation. The conference ended on the 7th and a ball was going to be held on the 8th as the Quebec Conference. It was believed that this union could be achieved within a few years, rather than in an undefined period in the future as they had originally planned. The Conference did not achieve that much they can not come together with ideas that would satisfy all the provinces.
Quebec Conference:
On October 10th 1864 the Quebec Conference was held at in Quebec City. The delegates were the representatives in the conference to discuss and create a document that could be presented to Parliament in London, for their approval. The document would be the working paper that would be used to write legislation to form the new nation of Canada. The Conference was about who favoured into a strong central government and a federal government. They argued for provincial rights and fered with a central government since they would lost their cultural identity.
The debate revolved around the nature of the legislative government. A representative named Macdonald thought issues might arise with a federated government united by a weak central government. Many people rejected things since it contained non-protection against French Canadian culture or the regulation of lands by Foreign landowners. The representatives concluded that a Federal system with a centralized federal government and a provincial governments of each colony that would stand the best chance of gaining the majority support of the delegates. On October 27th the confernece ended and the delegates summited the 72 resolutions to the provincial legislatures. The conference went good and they achieved something including what system the government should have and therefor they brought out the 72 resolutions of what the government should do and not do to make a responsible government and consider confederation.
1. "Quebec." Canada History. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
2. "Quebec Conference, 1864 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <,_1864>.
London Conference
In November 1866 the representatives agreed to join confederation. The only thing they had to do was to pass the bill in the British parliament over British North America. In London there was strong lobbying by bishops from the Maritimes to get guarantees for the Roman Catholic schools that are private. The British government had lots of concerns about the situation in North America and it was a stepping stone that can form Canada. It was guaranteed the separate school systems was to be in Quebec and Ontario, but not in Nova Scotia or New Brunswick. The Conference settled the issues of the British North American Act through the British Parliament with only a few changes including one. They had to change the name of the new country the Kingdom of Canada to the Dominion of Canada.
The London Conference was a success and had all the right meanings to join Confederation, which they did so
1. "London Conference - The Canadian Encyclopedia." The Canadian Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
2. "London." Canada History. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>.
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