Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What Are Some Causes Of How The BNA Colonies To Confederate

In the big Province of Canada the roads were poor and it's were frozen for 5 months a year. The railways were built to travel products around the country such as coal, which the first railway carried from the Albion Mines to Nova Scotia. The railways that were built were helpful to Canada, but it cost them a lot of money and some of the British banks were in dept. The railways brought great economic developments to Canada. Railways extended into new territories and pushed the agricultural and timber frontiers westward and northward. With the corn laws people could buy wheat and crops from other countries instead of there own since it did not cost so much in other countries depending on the item. The Canadians looked at the union of all the colonies as a way to help their countries in many ways. If Canada was joined together they would have better larger markets, more industry, and better transporting industries. The Corn Laws made the British able to buy crops and wheat from other places for cheap instead of Canada, which affected Canada big time. The Reciprocity Treaty was a system that imposed higher custom duties on products coming from areas outside of the British Empire. Canada wanted join and they looked at the Americans and they tried to sign a Reciprocity Treaty with them. If they signed it with them and worked together they would solve there economic problems and their economic trade will improve greatly. 

With all these items it would make absolute sense and make it more helpful to Canada and America to join everything together and bring them together. If Canada came together they could help pay off dept and able to work together to fix any problems they are having with the British not being their customer. If the colonies confederate they would have better larger markets, more industry, and better transporting industries. They had to have routes to get to other places so they could ship and transport goods and things to other territories. All these reasons were mainly the causes that formed Canada they way it is today so the economy will have more benefits to it and be more improved with lots of people working together. If people worked together then more things would get done and you can have food for everyone since some people lived in areas where they had harder times crowing crops. 

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