Wednesday, 31 October 2012

How The BNA Could Spilt Apart

The Fenians was a brotherhood that the Irishmen formed in America to promote the liberation of Ireland from British Control. They believed that if they captured some of the BNA Colonies they could hold there ransoms in return of Irelands freedom. Their raids helped promote for a union among the BNA colonies that began to believe that they needed a united defence. Britain promised low interest loans for railways as a enticement for confederation. The British colonies realized that they had no means to defend themselves when the United States threat of attack attacked the British. The Americans tried to expand across America leading the annexation. They believed that once the war came to an end American should turn its attention to the annexation of the BNA. The Americans believed that the United States was destined, by God, to control all of America. The British dispatched 14 000 troops to the BNA, because there was no railway, and it took a long time to transfer the troops to where they were needed. Britain proclaimed neutrality in the war and their booming textile industry needed cotton, that was produced in the Southern States. The British built ships called blockade runners that were able to smuggle cotton out of the South to Britain. The British threatened an attack, because of that the Americans wanted to get back at them by attacking the BNA. 

From these reasons the BNA colonies probably would get pushed apart from the Americans relationship with the British. The British needed things from the Americans such as cotton, but they did not want to form an alliance with them and just wanted to attack them. Therefor the BNA colonies should spilt from America, because Americans can easy attack the colonies that was apart of the British so if they spilt they would not be really close together that they cannot just attack them when they are not able to defend themselves. 

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What Are Some Causes Of How The BNA Colonies To Confederate

In the big Province of Canada the roads were poor and it's were frozen for 5 months a year. The railways were built to travel products around the country such as coal, which the first railway carried from the Albion Mines to Nova Scotia. The railways that were built were helpful to Canada, but it cost them a lot of money and some of the British banks were in dept. The railways brought great economic developments to Canada. Railways extended into new territories and pushed the agricultural and timber frontiers westward and northward. With the corn laws people could buy wheat and crops from other countries instead of there own since it did not cost so much in other countries depending on the item. The Canadians looked at the union of all the colonies as a way to help their countries in many ways. If Canada was joined together they would have better larger markets, more industry, and better transporting industries. The Corn Laws made the British able to buy crops and wheat from other places for cheap instead of Canada, which affected Canada big time. The Reciprocity Treaty was a system that imposed higher custom duties on products coming from areas outside of the British Empire. Canada wanted join and they looked at the Americans and they tried to sign a Reciprocity Treaty with them. If they signed it with them and worked together they would solve there economic problems and their economic trade will improve greatly. 

With all these items it would make absolute sense and make it more helpful to Canada and America to join everything together and bring them together. If Canada came together they could help pay off dept and able to work together to fix any problems they are having with the British not being their customer. If the colonies confederate they would have better larger markets, more industry, and better transporting industries. They had to have routes to get to other places so they could ship and transport goods and things to other territories. All these reasons were mainly the causes that formed Canada they way it is today so the economy will have more benefits to it and be more improved with lots of people working together. If people worked together then more things would get done and you can have food for everyone since some people lived in areas where they had harder times crowing crops. 

Monday, 29 October 2012

The Rebellion of Upper And Lower Canada Essay

The rebellion of 1837 was not achieving responsible government for Upper and Lower Canada. Causes of the rebellion were major and included the government fighting the people in both Upper and Lower Canada. The causes were people not able to have much of a say in laws, because laws that the legislative council made did not make the people happy in the society. People such as Gourley, Mackenzie and Papineua did not like the laws that the government wanted so they both tried to take over the family compact and the Chateau Clique  to make the government a responsible one.  The British were really racist to the French and wanted an English Government. They wanted to kick the French out slowly so they could keep their language and religion.

The Durham report was a report of reasons and solutions of how to make the government a responsible one. The government had the same number of people in the groups such as the legislative assembly that made the laws and worked for the governor. Durham was a dictator and ignored many British laws since he did not like them at all. Durham went to Canada after the rebellion telling the Family Compact and Chateau Clique they had to change the laws since the British knew everything had to change. His thoughts were that if Upper and Lower Canada were formed together with responsible government and the colonies of North America as well. Therefor people have one legislative assembly and council with lots of people in it that could take votes from the people and make responsible laws. Durham included in his report that the French should be included in the English culture and not kicked out, because they were French.

The Act of Union in 1840 was another document filled with articles explaining how to government was responsible and how it was not. The Union was a Quebec Act describing how the laws and rules made by the British were not responsible. It shows that the big problems that affected Canada, because he was spilt in two parts not just one whole country. All the articles in the act show the laws that were made by the Family Compact and Château Clique. From the Act alone everyone knew and could tell that the government of Canada was not responsible at all and had lots o problems, which had to change.  Article 12 said “in the Legislative Assembly of the Province "the parts of the said Province which now constitute the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada shall [ . . .] be represented by an equal number of representatives.” Article 38 says “The British government may, within two years of its passage, disallow a bill passed by the Assembly and Council and assented to by the Governor.” The Act represented how non-responsible the government was and how much they needed to change.

The Rebellion Losses Bill was a bill that paid for anyone who lost property in the rebellion using taxes. Elgin made this bill using Durham’s solutions of a responsible government. Elgin was the governor general and after the rebellion he had to make a responsible government to stop the rebellion from happening again. So in 1846 he took Durham’s ideas and put them together and made the bill so he could make everyone happy buy replacing damage from the rebellion that should of not been caused if the people felt the government was responsible. After the bill was made and he signed it the English did not like that and attacked his carriage and burned down the parliament buildings. He did not agree with the bill, but it was a good thing for the people, which is important for the society. The government does not just make up the country it is the population of people as well.

The rebellion of 1837 was not achieving responsible government for Upper and Lower Canada.  The essay talked about the causes of the rebellion, Durham’s Solutions achieving responsible government, the Act of Union of 1840, and the Rebellion Losses Bill. The Rebellion is importance today, because it told the government they had to change the laws to make the people happy. Today the government and society is good today. People can vote and the government makes fair laws for the people and allowed them to do more things. If the rebellion did not happen most of the laws back then could of still of been hear today. 

Friday, 26 October 2012

Who did more to see the foundation of Canada as we know it today, Lord Durham or Lord Elgin?

Lord Elgin was more important, because Elgin took Durham's solutions of responsible government. For Upper and Lower Canada so no rebels with want to fight against the government. Durham's solutions were covering the main solutions that would make a better government. There were problems that most people knew about and needed to be change, because the government was not a responsible one in Upper and Lower Canada. Something needed to be done so Elgin took the solutions that Durham made  and used it to his advantage to make a fair responsible government so he signed a bill since he was the governor general of Canada. The bill was for any people that lost property in the rebellions of Lower Canada would get money from government taxes. English people got angry at him and attacked his carriage and burned down parliament since he was trying to have a responsible government to everyone including the French.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

The Underground Railroad

Thomes Jones:

I came here without anything. I had no money or aid of any kind. I went right into the bush chopping  wood. I brought my lady with me, and we were married on the way at Bloomingsburg in Fayette Co. I have one child. With what I earned by hard licks, I bought land and have built me a frame-house. I now follow plastering and any thing I can find to do. I am worth three or four thousand dollars, and pay about thirty dollars a year tax. 

This shows that in Canada for him it was easy and he was way nicer since he had no money and got a job, which he bought a house and made things in the landed he got. He did not have to worry since he had a family to look after to, it was a new lifetime for him with nice people. 

William S. Edwards: 

Things went on in this way two or three months, until I was nearly twenty-seven years old. At length my mistress's son, by her consent, gave me free papers. I went to Ohio: then came into Canada, and settled down in Chatham. 

It shows that he really wanted to go to Canada so he can be free and live a awesome life. When he was 13 in went to Canada and love it and thought the environment was nice and caring people with a nice society. So he decided to move there after he was free with his forms out of Ohio. 

The Underground Railroad:

It symbolizes today since many people that have companies want to hire people for cheap and the underground railroad that tried to find a way to Canada where everything is cheaper and the would could have freedom. It symbolizes freedom and a life just like today people want to have more money for themselves so they can get rich. People have to travel and find areas to go if there country is no good for them and they want to move somewhere more safe and special and permanently stay there and get away from their other country that they lived in. 

Monday, 1 October 2012

How far has women's equality progressed since the 1800's?

How far has women's equality progressed since the 1800's?

Woman progressed since they are more likely to share their duties with their husband and children. They do not sew close that much since they could buy it from the clothing store. Since woman if they get divorced can still have a job as long as they went to school and graduated and can go to the store and buy food, and things they would need in their home to survive. Woman these days could divorce if they had a bad husband and could find another one if they choose to. Woman helped just like back then with gardening and farming, but farming is not that big anymore to families.

Woman in the 1800's had to learn how to live on their own either cook, sew, make things out of wood that a man usually would have to do if they were in a relationship. Daughters would be taught native skills from their mothers, and European  customs from their fathers. They also had to learn how to read and write in Christian values.
Woman that were not married had to rely on relatives for support and a place to live. Woman could not divorce the wives so they had to pick a good partner or they would live a horrible life. Woman also helped with farming and gardening if they had free time. Woman usually got married and if their husband came to their country to marry them he would take the woman back ot the place where he lives.
“Imported wives, fancy themselves such great ladies that there is no possibility of pleasing them” and they affect “a supercilious air of superiority over the native wives and daughters of gentlemen in the country" "With her dual heritage, the mixed-blood woman possessed the ideal qualifications for a fur trader's wife: acclimatized to life in the west and familiar with Indian ways, she could also make a successful adoption to white culture"